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Meserete Kristos Church

Based on I Cor. 3:11

Spreading the Gospel is Our Permanent Agenda

The Meserete Kristos Church Head Office organized a workshop for heads of evangelism and mission of Ketana and regions of the church at the Bishoftu Campus of MK Seminary in November 2023. A total of 83 mission leaders from all MKC regions participated in the workshop.

During the three-day workshop, the evangelism and mission strategy of the church, crosscultural mission, and qualities of evangelism and mission leaders were presented.

Pastor Desalegn Abebe addressed the participants that preaching the gospel and planting churches do not wait for a convenient time. According to the strategic plan of MKC, every local church needs to grow by 10% annually. To make this a reality, the leadership has been supporting the churches in all possible ways.

The participants spent quality time in corporate prayers for the mission activities of the church and peace for the country.

By Pastor Abayneh Anjelo

The Director of Evangelism and Church planting Ministries Division

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